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Press Release
03 Apr 2024

Labics, in a grouping with BUROMILAN, won the international design competition "La Nuova Passeggiata Archeologica," for the realization of interventions in the Imperial Forum Area, announced last October by Roma Capitale - Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali.

The provisional ranking of the international design competition "La Nuova Passeggiata Archeologica," for the realization of interventions in the Imperial Forum Area, announced last October by Roma Capitale - Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali, was presented. As part of the public proclamation session, the Labics studio, in a grouping with BUROMILAN, Openfabric, Horizontal, ia2 and GO-Mobility, was announced as the first place winner. The New Archaeological Promenade will connect the entire archaeological area with the modern city and the daily life of the surrounding neighborhoods. A unique promenade that will connect Via dei Fori Imperiali with the other routes around the Palatine Hill, intercepting the cycle-pedestrian route of Via di S. Gregorio, Via dei Cerchi, Via di S. Teodoro and the ascents and descents of the Capitoline Hill, and will feature an increase in the area's amenities, including pedestrian spaces, green areas, balconies, elevated paths and cycle-pedestrian routes.

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