
Redevelopment of Albenga Airport.


Albenga, Savona
AVA S.p.A.
Architectural design
OBR Open Building Research
Amount of works
116.000.000 €
Services Provided
Structures design | Facilities design | Construction management | Safety coordination
55.000 m2
Construction technique
reinforced concrete, wood, steel

Environmental, social and economic sustainability

The Albenga Airport Redevelopment Plan covers an area of about 1,100,000 square meters between the E80 Highway and the Centa River. The project includes the upgrading of existing facilities serving airport and non-airport activities: workshops, maintenance areas, aircraft aprons, hangars, business hotels, restaurants and offices. The master plan aims to enhance the area from the existing, natural and urban features of the site, following a sustainable, social and economic development program.

Environmental, social and economic sustainability

The Albenga Airport Redevelopment Plan covers an area of about 1,100,000 square meters between the E80 Highway and the Centa River. The project includes the upgrading of existing facilities serving airport and non-airport activities: workshops, maintenance areas, aircraft aprons, hangars, business hotels, restaurants and offices. The master plan aims to enhance the area from the existing, natural and urban features of the site, following a sustainable, social and economic development program.

Along the South-North oriented entrance axis, perpendicular to the runway, new airport functions have been arranged, including the new Italy and Munich terminals, hotel and offices.
The project involved retaining the structure of the old control tower, dating back to the 1960s, flanked by the new tower, characterized by a vertical steel cable-stayed structure, at the top of which a lookout cabin was placed.

New Monaco terminal and hotel entrance at Albenga airport (SV)
Render interior redevelopment Albenga Airport (SV)
Render lounge redevelopment Albenga Airport (SV)

Development by progressive stages

The project involves design development in progressive stages.
The first phase involved upgrading the passenger terminal for private flights to enhance the experience of arriving and departing travelers. The interventions involved the Departures, Arrivals, offices and service block.

Redevelopment of passenger terminal at Albenga Airport (SV)

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